Table of Contents
Postcolonial Image Archives
citation”Postcolonial Image Archives”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), introduction to issue 7/2014.
keywords: archive; postcolonialism; colonialism; images
Alang Transfer
Janek Simon
citationJanek Simon, ”Alang Transfer”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), of Janek Simon's project Alang Transfer (2014).
keywords: history; colonialism; India; Madagascar; Nigeria
A Historical Materialist in Nollywood
Michał Pospiszyl
citationMichał Pospiszyl, ”A Historical Materialist in Nollywood”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), commentary to Janek Simon's project "Alang Transfer." In his artistic projects realized in India, Madagascar, or Nigeria, Simon breaks and profanes linear histories of colonial dependence at the same time revealing new, more independent possibilities of its conceptualization.
keywords: Nollywood; historical materialism; anthropological machine; Janek Simon
The Album
Sammy Baloji
citationSammy Baloji, ”The Album”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), of Sammy Baloji's project The Album (2013).
keywords: album; photography; Belgian Congo; Africa; colonialism
Album of Photos. The Album
Tomasz Szerszeń
citationTomasz Szerszeń, ”Album of Photos. The Album”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), devoted to Sammy Baloji’s The Album (2013). Baloji combines the historical images of Belgian explorer and hunter Henry Pauwels (exploring the Congo in 1911-13) with the very contemporary photos that shows violence and war in the same area. The Album could be perceived in the light of what T.J. Demos called the “colonial hauntology”. The Album suspends the meaning, rather poses questions than gives answers. That understanding of history, of the temporality, returns constantly in Baloji’s work.
keywords: album; photography; Belgian Congo; Africa; Sammy Baloji; colonialism
A Colonial Hauntology: Vincent Meessen's Vita Nova
T.J. Demos
citationT.J. Demos, ”A Colonial Hauntology: Vincent Meessen's Vita Nova”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), translation of the chapter A Colonial Hauntology: Vincent Meessen's Vita Nova from T.J. Demos's book Return to the Postcolony: Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2013).
keywords: Vincenta Meessen; colonialism; hauntology
Before Six Years After. Notes on the re-emergence of a film archive in Guinea-Bissau
Tobias Hering
citationTobias Hering, ”Before Six Years After. Notes on the re-emergence of a film archive...”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), 2011, the artist Filipa César was given access to the archive of the Instituto Nacional de Cinema e Audiovisual (INCA) in Bissau, which holds the remains of a precarious but dedicated documentary film production during the final phase of the liberation war and the first years of independence in Guinea-Bissau (roughly from 1972 to 1980). Together with two of the film-makers involved, Flora Gomes and Sana na N'Hada, and a group of researchers and film-makers from Bissau, Filipa César is since then engaged in an ongoing project experimenting with various forms of re-visualization and re-evaluation of this archive. Tobias Hering has participated in this process on several occasions and wrote about it in the essay Before six years after, published for Filipa César's exhibition at Jeu de Paume (Paris) in October 2012. The text published here is a critically revised and annotated version of this earlier essay.
keywords: Filipa César; Guinea-Bissau; archive; film
“Standing, Exhibited in this Manner…”. From the “Human Zoo” to the “Human Installation” and Back, or What to Do with Images of Hegemonic Oppression
Olga Stanisławska
citationOlga Stanisławska, ”“Standing, Exhibited in this Manner…”. ”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), point of the departure for this essay are the polemic voices accumulated around Brett Bailey’s artistic installation/performance Exhibit B – a project, which plays with the idea of “human zoo”. The author analyzes why this antiracist project provoked protests and was accused of being racist and asks whether importing images of hegemonic oppression into the critical discourse must always repeat their oppressive influence.
keywords: Brett Bailey; “human zoo”; antiracism
Windows of Africa
Tomasz Szerszeń
citationTomasz Szerszeń, ”Windows of Africa”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014),’s Appunti per una Orestiada Africana is a complex film essay located on the crossroads of “engaged cinema” and self-portrait, postcolonial panorama and reinterpretation of mythology. The point of departure for the essay is the opening scene, in which Pasolini’s shadow reflects in the window on African shop. The author delves into the meaning of this motif in the postcolonial context.
keywords: Pier Paolo Pasolini; Africa; “engaged cinema”; self-portrait; postcolonialism
In the Land of Young Goddesses
Małgorzata Maria Grąbczewska
citationMałgorzata Maria Grąbczewska, ”In the Land of Young Goddesses”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), essay considers the dynamic relationship between photography and colonial politics and practice, on the example of the activities and works of Kazimierz Zagorski, photograph in Congo in the 20s and 30s of 20th century. Seeing the series of photographs of headdresses taken by Zagorski together with contemporary works of J. D 'Okhai Ojeikere and Lorna Simpson shows the role of photography in the construction of violent colonial domination, but also in the construction of postcolonial identity of freedom.
keywords: Kazimierz Zagórski; Congo; colonialism; photography
Leth’s Haiti. The Allure of the Exotic
Sławomir Sikora
citationSławomir Sikora, ”Leth’s Haiti. The Allure of the Exotic”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014),, Untitled (1996) by Jørgen Leth depicts in an intriguing way a country caught in political upheaval, and the ensuing chaos of the first half of the 1990s. By employing a non-linear narrative and through his use of a very specific editing technique, Leth constructs a heteroglossic “thick film” (this term is not to be equated with Clifford Geertz’s “thick description”). Leth’s work may, however, stir some controversy due to the author’s take on exoticization and nostalgia. These issues, among others, are discussed in the paper.
keywords: Jørgen Leth; Haiti; “thick film”; film
Fragments; or, The Ends of Photography
Hannah Feldman
citationHannah Feldman, ”Fragments; or, The Ends of Photography”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), Fragments; or, The Ends of Photography from the book From a Nation Torn: Decolonizing Art and Representation in France, 1945-1962 (Duke University Press 2014).
keywords: fragment; decolonisation; André Malraux; France; photography
Colonialism on the Poster. Impressions d'Afrique by Raymond Roussel
Tomasz Swoboda
citationTomasz Swoboda, ”Colonialism on the Poster. Impressions d'Afrique by Raymond Roussel”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), from the theatrical poster for a play based on Raymond Roussel’s Impressions d'Afrique, the author attempts to interpret it in the light of Roussel’s literary experiments and colonial stereotypes from the beginning of the 20th century. The poster resonates in two different, complementary contexts that undermine its unequivocal character and question its realism. Roussel’s novel and stage piece (as well as the poster) ironically plays with the colonial tradition and reveals its deconstructive potential.
keywords: Raymond Roussel; Africa; colonial stereotypes; novel; poster
Postcolonial Museum Laboratory, Clémentine Deliss in conversation with Joanna Sokołowska
Clémentine Deliss, Joanna Sokołowska
citationClémentine Deliss, Joanna Sokołowska, ”Postcolonial Museum Laboratory, Clémentine Deliss in conversation”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), conversation between Clémentine Deliss, the director of the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt, and Joanna Sokołowska, curator at the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź about new forms of research and exhibition at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt.
keywords: Clémentine Deliss; Joanna Sokołowska; postcolonialism; Weltkulturen Museum
“Mickiewicz died, Grąbczewski is born…” On Orient's Migrations and Migrations to the Orient
Max Cegielski, Katarzyna Bojarska, Katarzyna Czeczot
citationMax Cegielski, Katarzyna Bojarska et al., ”“Mickiewicz died, Grąbczewski is born…” On Orient's Migrations and ”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), conversation with Max Cegielski, writer and curator, about his two latest projects: Migrating University of Mickiewicz in Istanbul and another one concerning tracing the history of Polish explorer and ethnographer Bronisław Grąbczewski.
keywords: Max Cegielski; Adam Mickiewicz; Bronisław Grąbczewski; ethnography
Global International Style at the Berlin Biennale 8
Daniel Muzyczuk
citationDaniel Muzyczuk, ”Global International Style at the Berlin Biennale 8”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), short critical essay on the 8th Berlin Biennale, curated by Juan A. Gaitán, May 29th - August 3rd, 2014.
keywords: Biennale; Berlin; international style; postcolonialism; history; Juan A. Gaitán
Kharkiv Photography School. Group “Shilo” (V. Krasnoshchok, S. Lebedynskyy, V. Trykoz)
Tatiyana Pavlova
citationTatiyana Pavlova, ”Kharkiv Photography School. Group “Shilo””, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), on the Shilo Group, a Ukrainian photography collective in the wider context of Ukrainian contemporary art. The exhibition Shilo Group/Finished Dissertation, V. Krasnoshchok/Tretiakovka was shown last autumn in Asymetria Gallery in Warsaw.
keywords: Shilo Group; Ukraine; photography; Vladyslav Krasnoshchok; Sergiy Lebedynskyy; Vadym Trykoz
Progressive Hygienists and Wall Rippers
Katarzyna Bojarska
citationKatarzyna Bojarska, ”Progressive Hygienists and Wall Rippers”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), critical essay on two exhibition curated recently by Anda Rottenberg in Zachęta National Art Gallery in Warsaw, Progress and Hygiene and Gregor Schneider's Unsubscribe.
keywords: Anda Rottenberg; Zachęta National Art Gallery; violence; modernity; biopolitics
Thousands of Lost Events. About an exhibition "Maria Bartuszová. Provisional forms"
Tatiyana Pavlova
citationTatiyana Pavlova, ”Thousands of Lost Events. About an exhibition”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 7 (2014), review of the exhibition "Maria Bartuszová. Provisional forms", Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, curated by Marta Dziewańska and Gabriela Garlatyová, 26th September 2014 – 6th January 2015.
keywords: Maria Bartuszová; Maria Bartuszová; Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw; genealogy; Michel Foucault