Tomasz Swoboda
Author of books To jeszcze nie koniec? [This Is Not the End?] (2009), Historie oka. Bataille, Leiris, Artaud, Blanchot [Histories of the Eye. Bataille, Leiris, Artaud, Blanchot] (2010) and Histoires de l’œil (2013) as well as Powtórzenie i różnica. Szkice z krytyki przekładu [Repetition and Difference. On Critics of Translation] (2014). He received the Prize of "Literatura na Świecie" journal for the best translation and Andrzej Siemek’s Prize for his book Historia oka. He was the translator into Polish of, among others, Baudelaire, Nerval, Nadar, Bataille, Leiris, Sartre, Barthes, Ricoeur, Derrida, Foucault, Caillois, Starobinski, Poulet, Richard, Vovelle, Didi-Huberman, Le Corbusier and Christina, Queen of Sweden. He received the scholarship of Centre National du Livre, he is also a member of editorial team of "Cahiers ERTA" and "Schulz Forum". Professor of University of Gdańsk, he also works at the University of Szczecin.