Sławomir Sikora
Anthropologist, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw. His main interests are: visual anthropology, urban anthropology, anthropology of death and theory of anthropology. Author of: Fotografia. Między dokumentem a symbolem [Photography. Between Document and Symbol] (2004) and Film i paradoksy wizualności. Praktykowanie antropologii [Film and the Paradoxes of Visuality. Doing Anthropology] (2012); co-editor of: Zanikające granice. Antropologizacja nauki i jej dyskursów [Disappearing Borders. The Anthropologization of Scholarship and its Discourses] (2009). His texts were published in: „Dialog”, „Konteksty”, „Kwartalnik Filmowy”, „Kultura Współczesna”, „Res Publica Nowa”, „Rocznik Historii Sztuki”. Co-curator of the exhibition Nostalgia urzeczywistniona. Afryka w fotografiach Kazimierza Zagórskiego [Nostalgia Come True. Africa in the Photographs of Kazimierz Zagórski] (Zachęta 2005); He is also co-author of the film Żeby to było ciekawe. O mediatyzacji obrzędów weselnych [Let It Be Interesting. On the Mediatization of Wedding Ceremonies] (2009).