No. 40: Black Ecologies

Managing editors: Mateusz Chaberski, Małgorzata Sugiera, Dorota Sosnowska

Photo of thermal coal. Photo by Zbigniew Jelonek

No. 39: Racialization and Politics of Visibility

Managing editors: Agata Pietrasik, Thục Linh Nguyễn Vũ

Tammy Nguyen, SOS: The Contact Zones Are Very Rich in Metasomatic Ores, 2024

No. 38: Digital Entanglements

Managing editors: Krzysztof Pijarski, Tytus Szabelski-Różniak

Ben Joseph Andrews, Emma Roberts, Turbulence: Jamais Vu, 2023


No. 37: Images of Exhaustion

Managing editors: Magda Szcześniak, Krzysztof Świrek

Dominika Olszowy, Leucoma, 2021, photo: Tomasz Koszewnik © Gdańska Galeria Miejska

No. 36: Visibility and Invisibility of Violence

Managing editors: Agata Pietrasik, Dorota Sosnowska

Anna Barlik, Anomaly 1 - Stairs, 2022. Courtesy of the artist.

No. 35: Visualising Psychoanalysis

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Joanne Morra

Aneta Grzeszykowska, Untitled, 1993/2006. Courtesy of the artist, Raster Gallery and Lyles & King


No. 34: Image Economies

Managing editors: Paweł Mościcki, Krzysztof Świrek

Martin Parr, Ireland. Dublin. Crazy Prices Supermarket (1986)
(c) Martin Parr / Magnum photos.

No. 33: New Visual Narratives

Managing editors: Krzysztof Pijarski, Katarzyna Bojarska

Monika Masłoń, Control Negative. Photo: Magdalena Wołowska

No. 32: Reproduction tracks. New visibilities

Managing editors: Matylda Szewczyk, Marta Zimniak-Hałajko, Dorota Sosnowska

Svenja Kratz, SVKR-LM: Tumour Baby, 2020, mixed media sculpture and video. Courtesy of the artist.


No. 31: Visuality of Social Classes: Histories and Actions

Managing editors: Magda Szcześniak, Krzysztof Świrek

Jean-Luc Godard, Tout va bien, 1972

No. 30: Visuality of Social Classes: Structures and Relations

Managing editors: Magda Szcześniak, Krzysztof Świrek

Christian Jankowski, Studies for a Monument to the Bourgeois Working Class, 2012, courtesy of the artist.

No. 29: Images and Imageries of Race: Histories

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Dorota Sosnowska

Rajkamal Kahlon, This Bridge Called My Back, 2019, detail


No. 28: Images and Imageries of Race: Bodies

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Dorota Sosnowska

Ariel Efraim Ashbel, All White People Look the Same to Me, 2013/2016. Fot. Alona Rodeh

No. 27: Formatting of Late Television

Managing editor: Łukasz Zaremba

Screen from Wojciech Bruszewski, "The Space Transmission", 1974. Copyright: Małgorzata Kamińska-Bruszewska and Balbina Bruszewska.

No. 26: Empathic Images

Managing editors: Agata Zborowska, Magda Szcześniak

Joanna Rajkowska, Suicides. March 22-June 10, 2018, solo exhibition at TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art, Szczecin. Photo: Andrzej Golc


No. 25: History Is Present

Managing editor: Iwona Kurz

Michael Sheils Fields of Battle, Lands of Peace 1918.

No. 24: De-formations

Managing editor: Katarzyna Bojarska

Blue, Derek Jarman, 1993. Photo Liam Daniel. Courtesy and copyright Basilisk Communications Ltd

No. 23: The Force of Women

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Iwona Kurz

Pola Dwurnik, porcelain figurines of artists from the Langwidere series, 2017, installation view. Courtesy of the artist


No. 22: How to See the Anthropocene

Managing editors: Paweł Mościcki, Magda Szcześniak

Susan Schuppli, still from Atmospheric Feedback Loops, 35mm vertical film, colour with stereo sound, 18 mins., 2017, courtesy of the artist

No. 21: Invisible Labor

Managing editors: Łukasz Zaremba, Agata Zborowska

Mona Vatamanu, Florin Tudor, Production line for the future, installation, 1st Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, 2010, courtesy of the artists.

No. 20: Demusealisation

Managing editor: Iwona Kurz

Allan Sekula, Alle Menschen werden Schwestern, 2007


No. 19: Pictures for Children

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Paweł Mościcki

Bunny Rogers, Lady Amalthea (mourning mop), 2013. Collection of the artist; courtesy Société Berlin, photo by Jasper

No. 18: Phantom Histories

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Krzysztof Pijarski

Cover artwork: from Spectres (2011) by Sven Augustijnen, courtesy of the artist

No. 17: Protesting Images

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Magda Szcześniak

Cover artwork: Rafał Milach, from the series the Man in the Street, 2017, courtesy of Rafal Milach and Jednostka Gallery


No. 16: Digital Darkness

Managing editor: Łukasz Zaremba

Zach Blas and Jemima Wyman, im here to learn so :)))))),  HD video still, four-channel HD video installation, 2017, courtesy of the artists

No. 15: Theatricality

Managing editor: Krzysztof Pijarski

Cover artwork: Bownik, Passage, 140 x 240 cm, 2013, from the series Colleagues, courtesy of the artist

No. 14: Refugees: Fugitive Images, Memory in Motion

Managing editors: Iwona Kurz, Paweł Mościcki

still from a film published on YouTube by Terry Diamond that became the point of departure for Philip Scheffner's Havarie (2016)

No. 13: Auto-Photo-Biographies

Managing editors: Katarzyna Bojarska, Tomasz Szerszeń

Cover artwork: Aneta Grzeszykowska, Album, detail, 2005


No. 12: Photography and the “efficacy of gesture”

Managing editors: Krzysztof Pijarski, Paweł Mościcki

Jeff Wall, Morning Cleaning, Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona, 1999, transparency in lightbox, 187.0 x 351.0 cm. Courtesy of the artist

No. 11: Capitalist Realism. Transformations of Polish Visual Culture in the 1980's and 1990's

Managing editor: Magda Szcześniak

Jarosław Kozłowski, European Standards - Polish Version, (Galeria AT, Poznań, 1999), courtesy of Galeria AT

No. 10: The Visual Complex of the Polish Nineteenth Century

Managing editor: Iwona Kurz

Balloon takeoff from the courtyard in front of the Kazimierzowski palace, August 25th, 1872. Photograph by Konrad Brandel / National Museum in Warsaw

No. 9: Warsaw - Moscow. Monuments of Transition

Managing editor: Krzysztof Pijarski

Christian Jankowski, Heavy Weight History (Ludwik Waryński), B/w photograph on baryt paper, 140 x 186,8 cm, 2013. Courtesy of the artist


No. 8: The Return of Landscape

Managing editor: Łukasz Zaremba

 Trevor Paglen, Open Hangar, Cactus Flats, NV, Distance ~ 18 miles, 10:04 a.m, 2007, from Limit Telephotography. Courtesy of the artist

No. 7: Postcolonial Image Archives

Managing editor: Tomasz Szerszeń

Flora Gomes holding the clapper-board for Guiné-Bissau, 6 Anos Depois, 1980 (unfinished film). © INCA Guinea-Bissau, José Cobumba, Josefina Crato, Flora Gomes, Sana na N’Hada

No. 6: Pathos-Image

Managing editor: Paweł Mościcki

Krzysztof Pijarski, Sergei & Charlot (The Pathos of New Beginnings), 1991

No. 5: Queer Images

Managing editors: Iwona Kurz, Magda Szcześniak

Karol Radziszewski, Selfportrait as a Fag Fighter (2007), courtesy of the artist


No. 4: Ruin

Managing editor: Krzysztof Pijarski

Sophie Ristelhueber, Beirut, 1984, courtesy of the artist

No. 3: Archiving States of Exception

Managing editor: Paweł Mościcki

Andrzej Wróblewski, Kompozycja-collage nr 1425, nd., courtesy of the Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation.

No. 2: Images of Terror / Visibility of History

Managing editor: Katarzyna Bojarska

Thomas Demand, Attempt, 2005, 
© Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn / ZAPA, Warsaw

No. 1: The Visibility of Things

Managing editor: Tomasz Szerszeń

Tomasz Szerszeń