Table of Contents
citation”Pathos-Image”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), introduction to the issue devoted to pathos-image.
keywords: pathos; visual culture; affect; history
Making sensible
Georges Didi-Huberman
citationGeorges Didi-Huberman , ”Making sensible”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), translation of the chapter from the anthology Qu’est'ce qu’un peuple? (La Fabrique éditions, 2013). The author follows various representations of the people and underlines the question of its visibility. He reflects on the possibilities of "making the people sensible". It would mean making sensible of the fractions, places or moments, in which people both declare their powerlessness and express what they miss and what they want.
keywords: the people; visibility; making sensible; aesthetics and politics; contemporary art
Pathos and Antipathos. Formulas of Pathos in the Work of Sergei Eisenstein and Aby Warburg
Sylvia Sasse
citationSylvia Sasse, ”Pathos and Antipathos. Formulas of Pathos in the Work of”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), article is devoted to a comparison of Aby Warburg's pathos-formulas with the theoretical reflections on the pathos of cinematic composition of Sergei Eisenstein. The possibility of such a comparative undertaking results from two factors. Firstly, from the practice of montage; secondly, from the interest both Warburg and Eisenstein expressed towards the ways, in which pathos-formulas (Warburg) and methods of constructing pathos (Eisenstein) were passed through the ages - from artists to artists, but also in direct contact with the audience.
keywords: pathos; Sergei Eisenstein; Aby Warburg; film studies; art history
Caterpillars and Butterflies: on the Simultaneity of Aby Warburg’s Notion of Pathosformel and Richard Semon’s Theory of Engram
Agata Pietrasik
citationAgata Pietrasik, ”Caterpillars and Butterflies”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), essay analyses affinities between Richard Semon’s and Aby Warburg’s concepts of memory and problematizes the relationship between two simultaneously emerging fields of study: art history and psychology.
keywords: Richard Semon; Aby Warburg; psychology, art history; pathos
Striking Factory and Strike of Consciousness in the Work of S. M. Eisenstein
Elena Vogman
citationElena Vogman, ”Striking Factory and Strike of Consciousne”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), Soviet Union of the 1920s produces and supports multiple connections between the policy of work in factories and the research in medical, neurological and collective physiology. The theatrical and cinematic work of S. M. Eisenstein forms a specific prism where these interconnections appear in a spectrum of concrete attempts to engage the factory as aesthetic and political model. The factory as a concrete topos which Eisenstein exploits in Gas Masks and Strike questions the interrelations between the human body and machine in a new iconology of a striking factory. For the duration of Strike, the factory is represented beyond any functionality: the workers’ body movements and gestures are all the more expressive the less they have to do with their everyday work. This modulated status of production appears in Capital, Eisenstein’s unfulfilled project to realize Marx’s political economy with methods of inner monologue invented by Joyce. This last project transfigures the factory strike into the structure of cinematographic thinking where the neuro-sensorial stimuli constantly strike the logic of the every day consciousness in the non-personal, polyphonic and intimate monologue.
keywords: aesthetics and politics; strike; Sergei Eisenstein, pathos; factory
Playful Pain. Chaplin and Pathos
Paweł Mościcki
citationPaweł Mościcki, ”Playful Pain. Chaplin and Pathos”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), essay concentrates on the specific role of pathos in Charles Chaplin's comedies. The author juxtaposes Chaplin's work with Warburg's, Eisenstein's and Lukacs's theories of pathos.
keywords: pathos; Charles Chaplin; comedy; history of cinema; Aby Warburg
Mickey's Pathos: A ‘Single Obscurity’ in Aby Warburg’s Thought
Isabel de Sena Cortabitarte
citationIsabel de Sena Cortabitarte, ”Mickey's Pathos: A ‘Single Obscurity’ in Aby Warburg’s Thought”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), 1929, Walt Disney created a series of animated shorts, featuring mechanized and malleable figures maneuvering alongside neurotically animated objects and landscapes. Released in the year of Aby Warburg's death, he never did dedicate any thought to animation. However, in their extreme externalization of emotions and animation of the inorganic, these films are compelling cultural objects in thinking through Warburg's notions of Nachleben, Pathosformeln, and accessory forms in motion. This paper addresses the implications of this relationship and how they may be significant in understanding the crisis of modernity, as well as the broader psycho-anthropological ramifications of Warburg's thought.
keywords: Aby Waburg; Walt Disney; Walter Benjamin; animation; pathos modernism
The Smolensk Crowd
Agata Sierbińska
citationAgata Sierbińska, ”The Smolensk Crowd”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), article is an attempt to interpret the meaning of the crowd which gathered on Krakowskie Przedmieście in the aftermath of the crash of Polish presidential plane on April 10th 2010. The image of this manifestation became a universal sign of both the national unity in mourning and social conflict. Here, it is confronted with archival pictures of collective gestures and with Aby Warburg’s ideas of Pathosoformel and Nachleben.
keywords: crowd; Smoleńsk plane crush; Pathosformel; Nachleben; Aby Warburg
Bad Theatre and the Affects
Grzegorz Niziołek
citationGrzegorz Niziołek, ”Bad Theatre and the Affects”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), point of departure for the article is Adolf Rudnicki's review of Play Strindberg, a play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt which is a contemporary travesty of August Strindberg's The Dance of Death, directed by Andrzej Wajda.
keywords: theatre; theatre criticism; affect; shame; actor
Every Ache Seeks Expression
Iga Gańczarczyk
citationIga Gańczarczyk, ”Every Ache Seeks Expression”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), about theatrical and performative motifs in Anna Baumgart's artistic work, which are based on antinomies between "pathos" and "formula". The author starts with "The Constant Prince" of Juliusz Słowacki and it's famous interpretation from 1965 by Jerzy Grotowski to show the variety of feminine/theatrical figures that appear in Baumgart's work.
keywords: Anna Baumgart; visual arts; affects; pathos; theatre history
Mathieu Pernot
citationMathieu Pernot, ”Hurleurs”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), of the project Hurleurs (2001-2004)
keywords: Mathieu Pernot; frame; photography; aesthetics and politics; the people
Shouts and Frames
Paweł Mościcki
citationPaweł Mościcki, ”Shouts and Frames”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), commentary to Mathieu Pernot's photographic series Hurleurs [The Shouters], 2001-2004.
keywords: Mathieu Pernot; frame; photography; aesthetics and politics; the people
Acting Objects
Agata Zborowska
citationAgata Zborowska, ”Acting Objects”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), of the studies on things based on three books recently published in Polish: Graham Harman's Treatise on Objects, Marek Krajewski's Są w życiu rzeczy… Szkice z socjologii przedmiotów, and Bjørnar Olsen's In Defense of Things.
keywords: things; objects; materiality; Bjørnar Olsen; Graham Harman; Marek Krajewski
Lucky Jews
Roma Sendyka
citationRoma Sendyka, ”Lucky Jews”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), analysis of Erica Lehrer's curatorial and research project: the exhibition "Souvenir, Talisman, Toy. Jews for Hearth and Home", which took place in the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków and the book Lucky Jews published by korporacja ha!art (2014).
keywords: Jew; memory; stereotype; antisemitism; trauma
Shattering Stereotypes: New Plays from Poland in English Translation
Kathleen Cioffi
citationKathleen Cioffi, ”Shattering Stereotypes: New Plays from Poland in English Translation”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), review of the anthology Apollonia: Twenty-First-Century Polish Drama and Texts for the Stage edited by Krystyna Duniec, Joanna Klass, and Joanna Krakowska.
keywords: polish drama; polish theatre; theatre history; drama history
Do wglądu
citation”Do wglądu”, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 6 (2014), lektur