
Katarzyna Bojarska
Assistant professor in the Department of Cultural Studies of the SWPS University in Warsaw. In 2008-2012 worked as assistant and 2012-2019 as assistant professor in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Department of Late Modernity Literature and Culture. Co-founder of View. Since 2024 head of Center for Comparative Research on Memory Cultures (CCRM). Author of articles and translations interested in the relations of art, literature, history and psychoanalysis. Translated among others Michael Rothberg's "Multidirectional Memory. Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization" (Warsaw 2016). Author of a book "Wydarzenia po Wydarzeniu: Białoszewski – Richter – Spiegelman" [Events after the Event: Białoszewski – Richter – Spiegelman] (Warsaw 2012). Editor and one of translators of Ernst van Alphen's book "Criticism as Intervention: Art, Memory, Affect" (Krakow 2019). Receipient of numerous research grants and awards, including Fulbright, National Centre for Science, Horizon2020.

Łukasz Kiełpiński
PhD Candidate in Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw. He runs a research grant focused on the deals with the input of Central and Eastern European emigrants into the post-war American film avant-garde (“Pearls of Science” grant funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education). He conducted his research at the University of Toronto and at the Institute for Human Science in Vienna (IWM) within Jerzy Giedroyc Fellowship. He has published in “Kwartalnik Filmowy”, “IWM Post”, Filmowy”, “Kultura Współczesna”, “Ekrany”. He is also a film critic awarded in Krzysztof Mętrak Competition (2023, 2024).

Magdalena Moskalewicz
(PhD 2012) is an art historian, curator, and editor specializing in postwar Polish and Eastern European art, critical museum studies, and contemporary practices. Her curatorial projects often explore parallels between the postcommunist and postcolonial condition. She published in academic books (from Brill, Routledge, Oxford Univ. Press, MSN), exhibition catalogues (from MoMA, Tate, Berlin Biennale), journals and magazines (Artium Quaestiones, Art in America, The Washington Post). Moskalewicz was awarded Jean Goldman „Literary Lions” Book Prize 2017 (for Halka/Haiti) and Mary Zirin Prize 2020 from the Association for Women in Slavic Studies; her research was supported by A.W. Mellon Foundation, Kosciuszko Foundation, The Getty, The Clark, et al. She worked in higher education and art institutions in Europe and the United States, including: Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, FRONT International in Cleveland, and was the curator of the Polish Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).

Agata Pietrasik
is an art historian and Alfred Landecker Lecturer at the Freie Universität in Berlin. Her research focuses on the representation and memory of the Holocaust and the Second World War in mid-20th century European visual arts and culture. She holds degrees from the University of Warsaw (2009) and the Freie Universität in Berlin (2017). Her first book, Art in a Disruptive World: Poland, 1939-1949, was published by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2021. Currently, she is working on the project How Exhibitions Rebuilt Europe: Exhibiting War Crimes in the 1940s and an exhibition on early war crimes and Holocaust exhibitions at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

Krzysztof Pijarski
Artist working mainly with photography, Assistant Professor at the Lodz Film School, art historian. Director of the Visual Narratives Laboratory. Recipient of a Fulbright Junior Research Grant at Hohns Hopkins University (2009-2010), and grants, among others, from the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and the Shpilman Institute of Photography. Headed and partcipated in grants from the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Centre, and the National Programme for the Development of Humanities.
Interested in developing convincing visual forms of thinking, as an artist he focuses primarily on the aesthetic – that is, sensual – dimension of the epistemological, political, and ethical, creating visual archeologies of institutions and discourses, biographies of people and things.
Authored a monograph on modernism as seen through the the dual prism of the figure of Michael Fried and photography as a technology that changed our understanding of art (Archeologia modernizmu. Michael Fried i nowoczesne doświadczenie sztuki [An Archeology of Modernism. Michael Fried, Photography, and the Modern Experience of Art], 2017), as well as (Post)Modern Fate of Images: Allan Sekula / Thomas Struth (2013). Edited the volumes Object Lessons: Zofia Rydet’s „Sociological Record” (2017) and The Archive as Project (2011). A collection of his translations of essays by Allan Sekula was published by the Warsaw University Press in 2010.
Participant of PLAT(T)FORM 2012 at the Fotomuseum Winterthur. His project, Lives of the Unholy (2009-2012), was presented at C/O Berlin.

Zofia Rohozińska
Sociologist and art historian, PhD student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw, graduate of the Faculty of Visual Culture Management at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities at the University of Warsaw. Awarded in 2021 by the GESSEL Foundation for Zachęta National Gallery of Art for the best MA thesis. She has participated in research projects of the Institute for Advanced Studies, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. As part of her doctoral studies she is researching the mechanisms of knowledge production in the Polish art field on the example of the discourse changes around socialist realism.

Dorota Sosnowska
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Culture (Department of Theater and Performance) at University of Warsaw. The author of the book about three actresses of the communist period in Poland entitled “Królowe PRL. Sceniczne wizerunki Ireny Eichlerówny, Niny Andrycz i Elżbiety Barszczewskiej jako modele kobiecości” (2014). She has participated in scientific projects Sources and Mediations (NPRH funds), Performances of Memory (NCN) and Mask in the Culture of Modern Europe (NCN). She has published articles in Polish and foreign academic journals such as Performance Research and Czech Theatralia. She is co-editor of the book Robotnik. Performances of Memory (Theater Institute/KiP, 2017). She is currently working on the project Odmieńcy. Performances of Otherness in the Polish Transition Culture (NCN) and is a co-investigator in the project Epidemics and Communities in Critical Theories, Artistic Practices and Speculative Fiction of Recent Decades. She is a member of the Historiography working group within the International Federation for Theater Research. From 2009 to 2011 she worked at the Dramatyczny Theater in Warsaw.

Tytus Szabelski-Różniak
Photographer and visual artist. Graduated journalism and social communication from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, and photography at the University of Art in Poznań, where he recently does his doctoral studies. His main interests are materiality of digital images, politics and social issues, architecture and human-nature relations.

Krzysztof Świrek
Sociologist, assistant professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, where he defended his PhD thesis in 2016. His scientific interests include theories of ideology, symbolic power and social classes. He lectures on classical sociological theories, and has conducted seminars on conceptions of modernity and psychoanalytical analysis of power. He is an author of the book Teorie ideologii na przecięciu marksizmu i psychoanalizy [Theories of ideology at the junction of Marxism and psychoanalysis] (2018). Świrek published in "European Journal of Social Theory”, „Studia Socjologiczne”, „Societas/Communitas”, „Przegląd Humanistyczny”, „Hybris”, and others. As a film critic he has collaborated with „Kino” monthly and „dwutygodnik.com”.
Former members of the editorial team

Iwona Kurz
B. 1972. Works in the Institute of Polish Culture at University of Warsaw. Main field of interests: history of Polish culture of XX century in visual perspective, anthropology of body and gender, anthropology of visual culture. Author of Twarze w tłumie (Faces in the Crowd. Views of the heroes of collective imagination in Polish culture 1955–1969; Bolesław Michałek Award for the best film studies book in 2005; Nike Literary Award: short-listed for the best book in 2005), co-author of Obyczaje polskie. Wiek XX w krótkich hasłach (Polish Everyday Culture. 20th Century in Short Entries, 2008), editor of Film i historia. Antologia (Film and History. Anthology, 2008), co-editor of readers Antropologia ciała (Anthropology of the Body, 2008) and Antropologia kultury wizualnej (Anthropology of Visual Culture, 2012).

Paweł Mościcki
Born 1981. Professor in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Department of the Research on Literature and Culture of Late Modernity. Philosopher, essaist, translator. His main interests are: contemporary philosophy, theater, visual arts, literature and critical political thought. He has translated (and co-translated) books by Alain Badiou, Derek Attridge, Slavoj Zizek and Jacques Rancière. He is the editor of the book Maurice Blanchot. Literatura ekstremalna [Maurice Blanchot. The Extreme Literature] (Warsaw 2007) and the author of Polityka teatru. Eseje o sztuce angażującej [Politics of Theater. Essays on Engaging Art] (Warsaw 2008), Godard. Pasaże [Godard. Arcades Project] (2010) and Idea potencjalności. Możliwość filozofii według Giorgio Agambena [The Idea of Potentiality. The Possibility of Philosophy according to Giorgio Agamben] (2013), My też mamy już przeszłość. Guy Debord i historia jako pole bitwy [We Too Have Our Past. Guy Debord and History as a Battlefield] (2015), Foto-konstelacje. Wokół Marka Piaseckiego [Photo-Constellations. On Marek Piasecki] (2016), Migawki z tradycji uciśnionych[Snapshots From the Tradition of the Oppressed] (2017), Chaplin. Przewidywanie teraźniejszości [Chaplin. Prevision of the Present] (2017), Lekcje futbolu[Lessons of Football] (2019), Azyl [Asylum] (2022), Wyższa aktualność. Studia o współczesności Dantego [Higher Actuality. Studies in Dante's Contemporaneity] (2022). He also writes a blog: pawelmoscicki.net

Magda Szcześniak
Born 1985. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, leader of the MA program in visual culture. Author of books Normy widzialności. Tożsamość w czasach transformacji [Norms of Visibility. Identity in Times of Transition, 2016] and Poruszeni. Awans i emocje w socjalistycznej Polsce [Feeling Moved. Upward Mobility and Emotions in Socialist Poland, 2023], co-author of the two-volume Kultura wizualna w Polsce [Visual Culture in Poland, 2017]. Recipient of the Fulbright Foundation Junior Advanced Research Grant (2010/11, University of Rochester, Graduate Program for Visual and Cultural Studies) and the Fulbright Foundation Senior Award (2019/20, Duke University, Institute for Critical Theory). She has also received stipends and grants from the National Science Center (Preludium grant, 2013-2015; Sonata grant, 2018-2023) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (stipend for outstanding young scholars, 2017-2020). In 2017, she won the prestigious award for young scholars granted by the "Polityka" weekly (Nagroda Naukowa Polityki). She has published articles in numerous academic journals, including New Literary History, Oxford Art Journal, Journal of Visual Culture, Teksty Drugie, Dialog, Konteksty, Kultura i Społeczeństwo. She is currently leading a research project titled Representations of the popular classes in contemporary Polish visual culture.

Tomasz Szerszeń
Born 1981. Photographer, anthropologist and historian. A graduate of the Photography Department of National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź and Inter-faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities at the University of Warsaw, recently granted a Ph.D. degree in Humanities. He is also a member of editorial board of quarterly “Konteksty” and researcher in Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an author of dozens of texts published in books and in such a reviews like “Konteksty”, “Literatura na Świecie”, “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Res Publica Nowa”, “Dwutygodnik.com”. His artistic projects were presented in Gallery of Foundation Archeology of Photography in Warsaw (You. Me. Things in 2012 and Warsaw / Lives / Ruins alsoin 2012 – second one with Krzysztof Pijarski) and in Exchange Gallery in Łódź (I Was the First Polish Surrealist. Works From the Years 1929-39 in 2010). His works were shown on Paris Photo 2012.

Łukasz Zaremba
Born 1983. He teaches at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Translator, independent curator. His theoretical interests include theory of visual culture and methodology of visual research. He is the recipient of Ministry of Science and Higher Education Scholarship and the Foundation of Polish Science Scholarship. Co-translator of Jonathan Crary’s Suspensions of Perception and translator of W.J.T. Mitchell’s What Do Pictures Want?, Hito Steyerl's Wretched of the Screen and Nicholas Mirzoeff's How to See the World. Co-editor of academic reader Antropologia kultury wizualnej [Anthropology of Visual Culture] (2012) and Kultura wizualna w Polsce [Visual Culture in Poland vol. 1-2]. Author of academic book Obrazy wychodzą na ulice [Images Walk Onto the Streets] (2018).

Agata Zborowska
Born 1986. She defended her PhD, entitled Życie rzeczy w powojennej Polsce (1945-1949) (The Life of Things in Post-War Poland), at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Author of articles in numerous academic journals, including:, „Konteksty”, „Kultura Współczesna”, „Kultura Popularna”, „Kwartalnik Filmowy”, „Czas Kultury”, „Fashion Theory”, „Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty”. In 2020, she received a Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship (2021). In 2019, she was a Post-doc Fellow at The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology. Agata was a visiting scholar at Indiana University Bloomington (2016), at University College London (2014), and Carleton University in Ottawa (2011). She was the recipient of individual grants PRELUDIUM (2015–2019) and ETIUDA (2017–2018) from the National Science Centre in Poland. She was a member of the research team in the Horizon 2020 project: “Re-Past – Revisiting the Past, Anticipating the Future.” Her research interests lay in material culture, property relations, critical theory, and cultural history of the 20th century. She is currently working on the experience of ownership changes in socialist and post-socialist transitions in Poland.

Justyna Chmielewska
Anthropologist, turkologist, editor, cyclist. Author of articles, reviews and photo essays published, among others in Konteksty, Nowe Książki, Notes na 6 tygodni, Widok, Dziennik Opinii, (op.cit.,) and Kultura Liberalna.

Darren Durham
Native English proofreader, resident in Poland. Has worked with HBO, Ossolineum (inc. Muzeum Pana Tadeusza), BWA Wrocław, Dom Spotkań z Historią, Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Krakowa (inc. Fabryka Schindlera), Fundacja Kulik-KwieKulik, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Małgorzata Rejmer, and Glissando, among others.

Daniel Malone
Artist, proofreader/subeditor. Art History and Fines Arts degrees, Auckland University, New Zealand.

Kacha Szaniawska
Editor, sociologist, graduate of the University of Warsaw and the School of Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She edits literature on philosophy and social sciences, new media, art history and architecture.
Former copy-editors

Julia Odnous
Born 1985. Editor and photoeditor. Alumna of the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw.

Alasdair Cullen
Alasdair graduated from Glasgow University in 2003 with a joint degree in Russian and Film and Television Studies. He's been living in Poland since 2005, lectures at Applied Lingustics, Warsaw University, and works as a freelance translator of Polish and Russian, and a proofreader of English texts.