The Editorial Board consist of the Editorial Team and the following members:

Editorial Board

Ariella Azoulay

Brown University, The United States

Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Modern Culture and Media at Brown University. Curator and documentary filmmaker. Author of books: Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography(2012), From Palestine to Israel: A Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation, 1947–1950 (2011), The Civil Contract of Photography(2008), Death’s Showcase(2001 – Winner of The Affinity Award, ICP), co-author (with Adi Ophir) of The One State Condition. Occupation and Democracy in Israel/Palestine, 2012), This Regime Which Is Not One: Occupation and Democracy between the Sea and The River (in Hebrew, 2008).

Ernst van Alphen

Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands ORCID

Professor of Literary Studies at the Leiden University. His research focuses mostly on modern and post-modern literature and its relation to visual arts. He is the author of: Art in Mind: The Contribution of Contemporary Images to Thought (2005); Caught by History. Holocaust Effects in Contemporary Art, Literature and Theory (1997); Failed Images: Photography and Its Counter-practices (2018) and Staging the Archive (2014).

Mirosław Filiciak

SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities ORCID

Cultural and media studies scholar, affiliated with the SWPS University, where he heads the Institute of Humanities and the Center for Cultural Research of Technologies. His fields of research include media practices, cultural studies theory and media archaeology. He recently published - together with Patryk Wasiak - the book Weź Pan Rambo! Społeczna historia magnetowidów w Polsce (Take Rambo, Mister! A Social History of VCRs in Poland) (2022).

Iwona Kurz

Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw ORCID

B. 1972. Works in the Institute of Polish Culture at University of Warsaw. Main field of interests: history of Polish culture of XX century in visual perspective, anthropology of body and gender, anthropology of visual culture. Author of Twarze w tłumie (Faces in the Crowd. Views of the heroes of collective imagination in Polish culture 1955–1969; Bolesław Michałek Award for the best film studies book in 2005; Nike Literary Award: short-listed for the best book in 2005), co-author of Obyczaje polskie. Wiek XX w krótkich hasłach (Polish Everyday Culture. 20th Century in Short Entries, 2008), editor of Film i historia. Antologia (Film and History. Anthology, 2008), co-editor of readers Antropologia ciała (Anthropology of the Body, 2008) and Antropologia kultury wizualnej (Anthropology of Visual Culture, 2012).

Grzegorz Niziołek

Department of Drama and Theatre, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland ORCID

Professor at the Jaggielonian University in Cracow. HIs work focuses on the polish and european theatre of the XX and XXI century, romantic tradition in polish theatre, art of direction and theatre criticism as well as the relation between theatre and history. He wrote: Sny, komedie, medytacje (2000), Sobowtór i utopiaTeatr Krystiana Lupy (1997), Warlikowski. Extra ecclesiam (2008), Ciało i słowo. Szkice o teatrze Tadeusza Różewicz Polski Teatr Zagłady (2013). Fulbrighta Fellow at CUNY.

Marek Zaleski

Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland ORCID

Literary critic, literary historian, essayist, university lecturer, professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw. Since the beginning of 2012, he is leads the Literature and Culture of Late Modernity Research Group. In 1990, he was awarded the Kościelski Award. In 2006 he received the Gdynia Literary Award in the essay category. In 2009, he was again nominated for this award for the book Echo Idylli, he also received the Kazimierz Wyka Award. In 2005-2007, a member of the jury awarding the Nike Literary Award.