Ewa Tatar
Researcher in the field of art and visual studies. Author of more than 100 texts on art published in Polish, English, French, Hungarian, Estonian and Chinese, including books Krótka historia Grupy Ładnie (Short History of Ladnie 2010, with Magdalena Drągowska and Dominik Kuryłek), Nad rzeką, której nie ma (By The River Which Does Not Exist 2014). Co-editor of books in exhibition and cutratorial studies including Display (2012). Curator of among others Imhibition (National Museum in Krakow 2006), Po niebie został tylko księżyc (Only Moon Remains, Tatra Museum, Zakopane 2015), Chłoporobotnik i boagrzechotnik (Modern Art Museum, Warsaw 2016). In her art theory and history she has been inspired by narratology, feminist studies, biography and psychoanalysis.