Jan Borowicz

Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw academia.edu ORCID

Culture studies scholar and psychologist, employee of the Department of Film and Visual Culture and the Holocaust Remembrance Research Team at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw. She cooperates with the Centre of Psychoanalytic Thought at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is interested in psychoanalytic theory, Holocaust studies and Polish memory. Author of the books Nude and Uniform. The Body in the Film of the Third Reich (2015) and Perverse Memory. Positions of the Polish Witness to the Holocaust (2020), co-author of the book Traces of the Holocaust in the Imaginarium of Polish Culture (2017). He has published in Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki, Widok, Dialog and Teksty Drugie, among others. He pursued the research project "Holocaust Perversions. The position of a Polish witness". (NCN) and was a member of the research team "Traces of the Holocaust in the imaginarium of Polish culture". (NPRH) headed by Dr Justyna Kowalska-Leder. Winner of the Jan Józef Lipski Prize (2013), the Majer Balaban Prize (2014, 2020), the Inka Brodzka-Wald Prize (2019).