Łukasz Zaremba

Łukasz Zaremba

ORCID Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, Poland

Born 1983. He teaches at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Translator, independent curator. His theoretical interests include theory of visual culture and methodology of visual research. He is the recipient of Ministry of Science and Higher Education Scholarship and the Foundation of Polish Science Scholarship. Co-translator of Jonathan Crary’s Suspensions of Perception and translator of W.J.T. Mitchell’s What Do Pictures Want?, Hito Steyerl's Wretched of the Screen and Nicholas Mirzoeff's How to See the World. Co-editor of academic reader Antropologia kultury wizualnej [Anthropology of Visual Culture] (2012) and Kultura wizualna w Polsce [Visual Culture in Poland vol. 1-2]. Author of academic book Obrazy wychodzą na ulice [Images Walk Onto the Streets] (2018).