Paweł Tomczok

ORCID University of Silesia, Katowice

Professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice, works at the Institute of Literary Studies, leads the research team GEO-EKO-HUMANISTICS. Author of the book Literacki kapitalizm. Obrazy abstrakcji ekonomicznych w literaturze polskiej drugiej połowy XIX wieku [Literary Capitalism. Images of economic abstractions in Polish literature of the second half of the nineteenth century] (Katowice 2018), recently co-editor of the book Środowiska industrialne/postindustrialne zależności (w literaturze i kulturze polskiej od XIX do XXI wieku) [Industrial environments/post-industrial dependencies (in Polish literature and culture from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century)] (Krakow 2023). He is preparing the books Zrozumieć Schulza [Understanding Schulz] and Ideologie historii alternatywnych [Ideologies of Alternative Histories]. He is interested in cognitive narratology and environmental humanities.