Mateusz Borowski

Mateusz Borowski

Department for Performativ­ity Studies, Jagiellonian University

Mateusz Borowski is a Professor at the Department for Performativ­ity Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. He holds a PhD from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany and the Jagiellonian University. Currently his main areas of interest are green humanities, counterfactual discourses and speculative fabulations in the context of climate change. He published, among others, Strategie zapominania. Pamięć i kultura cyfrowa (Strate­gies of Forgetting: Memory and Cyberculture, 2015) and, with Małgorzata Sugiera, Sztuczne Natury. Performanse technonauki i sztuki (Artificial Natures. Performances of Technoscience and Arts, 2017). He is currently Principal Investigator in the OPUS 22 research project After Climate Crisis. Non-Scalable Survival Strategies in Speculative Fabulations of the Last Two Decades (2022-2026) funded by the Polish National Science Center.