Oliwia Bosomtwe

Oliwia Bosomtwe

Journalist, editor and writer on cultural, social and inclusive issues. She also conducts various meetings and debates. Graduate of the Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities at the University of Warsaw, she majored in History of Art. Co-author of the report Common Good. Passion and Practice. Digital Cultural Resources in Poland, published by the Digital Centre in 2018. She is a member of the advisory board of the Inspiring Girls Poland Foundation. The author was also an exhibition producer and museologist at the Museum of Warsaw. Oliwia Bosomtwe held the position of editor-in-chief of noizz.pl for three years. She has published, among others, in ‘Znak’, ‘Vogue’ and ‘Res Publica Nowa’. Her first book Jak biały człowiek. Opowieść o Polakach i innych [Like a White Man. A story about Poles and others] (2024) was published by Znak.