Anna Ptak
Anna Ptak is a curator and researcher working with and along environmental and political aspects of cultural practices. Her recent work includes dramaturgy for VR and performance series landscapes and bodies (dir. Kötter/Israel/Limberg) and curatorial project Amplifying Nature at the XVI Architecture Biennale in Venice (with/by Centrala architecture collective). She works at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw since 2009 and has been a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw since 2020 researching mechanisms of visibility of air in multiple scales. Edited books and journals: Amplifying Nature. The Planetary Imagination of Architecture in the Anthropocene (2018), Dust (https://obieg.pl/issue/7-kurz „Obieg, 7/2018), The Make Yourself at Home Guide to Warsaw (2015, with Rani Al Rajji and Monnik collective), Inicjatywy i galerie artystów (2014, eng. On Polish Artist Run Initiatives and Spaces, with Agnieszka Pindera and Wiktoria Szczupacka), Re-tooling Residencies. Notes on Mobility of Art Professionals (2011).