Michał Mokrzan

Michał Mokrzan

ORCID Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Wrocław

Socio-cultural anthropologist, an employee of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Wrocław. Laureate of competitions of the Foundation for Polish Science and the National Science Center. Author of the books Tropy, figury, perswazje. Retoryka a poznanie w antropologii (2010), Klasa, kapitał i coaching w dobie późnego kapitalizmu. Perswazja neoliberalnego urządzania (2019) and several dozen articles devoted to the processes of producing neoliberal forms of subjectivity, issues in the field of anthropological theory, and analyzes of the rhetoric of expert discourses. Member of the interdisciplinary research group of the International Rhetoric Culture Project. In his current research on the affective dimension of experience, he combines concepts developed in rhetorical anthropology, studies in governmentality, and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Email address: michal.mokrzan@uwr.edu.pl.