Fred Moten

Fred Moten

Department of Performance Studies, Tisch School of the Arts NYU

Professor in the Department of Performance Studies, Tisch School of the Arts NYU. He holds an A.B. from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He is author of In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (2003); a three-volume collection of essays whose general title is consent not to be a single being (Duke University Press, 2017, 2018) among others. Moten is also co-author, with Stefano Harney, of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study (2013) and A Poetics of the Undercommons (Sputnik and Fizzle, 2016) and, with Wu Tsang, of Who touched me? (If I Can’t Dance, I Don't Want to be Part of Your Revolution, 2016).