Aleksandra Ubertowska

University of Gdansk, Philology Department ORCID

Literary studies scholar, professor in the Institute of Polish Studies, Uniwersity of Gdańsk. Visiting professor at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. Receipient of DAAD (2008) and Polish Science Foundation (2004) grants. Cooperates with Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów IFiS PAN and Zespół Badań nad Literaturą Holokaustu IBL PAN. Her main interests include: Holokaust literature, identity in literature, history of modern subject and subjectivity, gender theory of autobiography. Published following books: Tadeusz Różewicz a literatura niemiecka (2002) and Świadectwo, trauma, głos. Literackie reprezentacje Holokaustu (2007).