Tomasz Majewski

Department of Literary Anthropology and Culture Research, Jagiellonian University

Professor of film and culture studies at Department of Literary Anthropology and Culture Research in Jagiellonian University, and lecturer at Film School in Łódź and at University of Łódź. An author of a book Dialektyczne feerie. Szkoła frankfurcka i kultura popularna (Dialectical féerie. The Frankfurt School and Popular Culture, 2011), awarded by journal „Literatura na Świecie”. Editor of Rekonfiguracje modernizmu. Nowoczesność i kultura popularna (Reconfigurations of Modernism. Modern Times and Popular Culture, 2009), Pamięć Shoah (2009) i Memory of the Shoah. Cultural Representations and Commemorative Pratices (2010). Since 2013 Vice-chairman of the Polish Association of Cultural Studies.