Agnieszka Szewczyk

Museum of the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw

Art historian and curator. She works on postwar Polish art and is interested in the history of graphic design. She was a curator of, amongst others: Ryszard Stanisławski. Open Museum (Zamek Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw), Włodzimierz Pawlak. Self-portrait in Afterimages (Zachęta National Gallery of Art), Włodzimierz Borowski. The Net of Time, (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw), Art Everywhere. The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 1904-1944 (Zachęta National Gallery of Art), I've Been Here. I Hope the Same for You. Henryk Tomaszewski (Zachęta National Gallery of Art). She works at the Museum of the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw.