Piotr Schollenberger
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. His main interests include phenomenology, the tradition of phenomenological aesthetics and theory of art. He has published in multiple academic journals, including „Sztuka i Filozofia”, „Konteksty”, „Przegląd Filozoficzny”, „Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts”. Author of Granice poznania doświadczenia estetycznego [The Limits of Understanding Aesthetical Experience] (2014), editor (together with Iwona Lorenc and Mateusz Salwa) of Fenomen i przedstawienie. Francuska estetyka fenomenologiczna. Założenia/zastosowania/konteksty [French Phenomenological Aesthetics. Foundations/Uses/Contexts] (2012). Currently, together with Monika Murawska, he is working on the translation of Jean-François Lyotard's What to Paint? Adami, Arakawa, Buren (planned date of publication: 2015).