The project finds its immediate context in Russian actual political agenda, namely the federal law prohibiting non-traditional sexual orientation propaganda among youth. The law has passed in the State Parliament and was signed by V. Putin in June of 2013. It treats non-traditional sexual orientation as infectious disease and a danger for spiritual bases of the Russian society and the country's safety and territorial integrity. The adoption of the law discriminating all Russian LGBT-community caused a deep resonance and a wide movement of protest against the formulations of the law, which are so vague that any public attempt to draw attention to raging discrimination of LGBT-people in Russia can be regarded as "propaganda". This project subversively plays into the hand of moral's jealous observers in the State Parliament who accuse child care facilities called "Rainbow" in making the propaganda. Based on digital manipulations with found images, namely discoloring images of landscapes with rainbows "Just say No" satirically follows the letter of the law that reveal the theatrical absurdity of Russian political life.